My name is Mrs. Aranda. Of the jobs I have at AFIA, leading your child(ren) during his/her Enrichment time is one of them. I have enjoyed this opportunity to get to know the classes and each individual child. I have made it a goal to incorporate 3 ways of movement into their Enrichment time with me:

1. Physical Body Movement 2. Mental Movement 3. Team Movement

Here’s how we do each!
Physical Movement: We get up and MOVE! We may dance along with “Just Dance for Kids” videos. We may stretch our bodies into easy yoga poses. We may stand up and just wiggle to our own groovy attitude! This movement helps pump blood to the heart and throughout the body, especially the brain. It also aids in great stress relief!

Mental Movement: I explain to the children the brain is similar to a muscle. We have to work out our arm and leg muscles for them to get bigger and stronger. This is the same with our brains! We have to exercise our brains in order for them to handle all of the knowledge we are learning. We have been using card building to exercise our brains. Card building takes mental strength to figure out the best way to build and keep ourselves from getting too frustrated.

Team Movement: It is a skill to work with a team of people effectively. We have been practicing kind, encouraging words to each other as we work in teams to build card structures. We also work on developing a plan with a team so we are listening to each other’s ideas. Some teams have given roles to each other to work more effectively (for example: “You build that section. I’ll build this part. You can help by holding cards in place. Then we’ll connect them together.”)

During enrichment time we integrate the arts and content areas into all learning and activities. We draw the card structures that have been built. We read about teamwork and card building in books and online articles. We draw and write about teamwork on poster paper and sketch paper. We become mathematical thinkers when we consider time needed to complete each activity. We are having fun while learning!

I enjoy working with every class and child during their Enrichment time! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this time. or 816.444.1720

Missouri Learning Standards Addressed During Team Enrichment:

Physical Movement:
*Recognize the components of health-related fitness (cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition)
*Identify benefits of regular participation in a variety of activities (e.g., stress management, weight control)
*Recognize signs associated with physical activity (e.g., fast heart rate, heavy breathing, perspiration)

Mind Movement:
*Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
*Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently
*Discuss and apply responsibilities of citizens including respect for the rights of others and treating others fairly (justice)
*Demonstrate a peaceful resolution to a dispute
*Explain how to resolve disputes peacefully in the classroom
*Describe how groups need to make decisions and how those decisions are made in families and classrooms

Team Movement:
*Demonstrate respect for all students regardless of individual differences in skills and abilities
*Demonstrate independence and good use of time while participating in physical activity
*Show appropriate sportsmanship and sensitivity to diversity and gender issues
*Identify safe and unsafe situations and respond appropriately